Long Distance Dates

Surviving Winter Loneliness while in a Long Distance Relationship

During months of snow and cold, we are all wondering how to survive winter loneliness while in a long distance relationship. In all my years on this earth, this winter season is the best and worst of my life.  Facing this winter has been biggest obstacle I’ve ever faced. To add to the quarantine and […]

FREE online dates for LDR couples in winter

Winter can be lonesome while in a long distance relationship, but it’s actually the best season for free online dates! The weather is cooler and it’s the perfect time to have fun dates online. Thanks the the internet, there are loads of online resources you can use to stay cozy and warm inside for free […]

5 Ways to Help Achieve Your New Years Goals

Resolutions and the New Year are like peanut butter and bananas.  They go great together, but one only lasts a week. It’s fair to say we’ve all been there, having a desire but not being able to finish it out. Therefor the obvious must be asked, how can you succeed in accomplishing your goals? If […]

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