Long Distance Dates

In all my years on this earth, this season is the best and worst time of my life.  Facing this winter particularly has been biggest obstacle I’ve ever faced. Add to the fact of quarantine and cold, the love of my life is 4000 miles away. During the summer it’s easy to keep your mind on other tasks, but during the winter seasons and bleak in more ways than the weather. The dark and loneliness can be detrimental to our sanity, even during normal times. This can feel like solitary confinement, leading our thoughts and actions spiraling out of control.  You health can quickly run away from you, so it’s important to get ahold of yourself and keep busy. These are somethings that have help my surviving winter loneliness while in a Long distance relationship.

Stay active

One of the worst thing you can do is sit around.  I’m not referring to just your body, but your mind as well.  During these winter month, you’ll soon learn you that staying put is both physically and mentally draining. Being the winter, it’s obviously cold, and being active outdoors usually isn’t an option.  Don’t let that stop you in staying devoted to maintaining your mind and body.  One way to stay active, is starting a hobby. Hobbies are a great way to stay focused and letting your mind do something to shake up the monotony. The biggest issue with winter is the days seems to mold together. It’s hard to differentiate between one cold week and the next. Hobbies insure progress, and offer an outlook and change to this time when time doesn’t seem to pass normally.  Even if you don’t plan on completing the project, start anyway. You’ll never know what might come of it, but it will smooth out the weeks.  This hobby might be focused on exercise, crafts, art, reading or projects, but choose something which you can quickly see the results.  Don’t worry about whether you’ll finish or not, the fact that you’re active is more than enough.

Reach out to others.

I’m going to suggest the opposite of what you’ve been hearing for a year, don’t be socially distant. I’m speaking strictly by proxy, and from a physical distance. The point here is to stay active in lives of others. To survive the winter loneliness while in a long distance relationship, you need to know you aren’t alone. Hearing the stories of other in similar situations has given me a strong realization that’s helped me in this season of life. My situation isn’t unique, others are facing the same obstacle. This is encouraging on so many levels  After reaching out and learning from them has brought the world a little closer.  It feels better knowing there are those who can

 This doesn’t end in those in a long distance relationship. Every one, regardless of all have our own struggles. Luckily most of us have people to look to, comfort us, and remind us we aren’t alone.  This means keeping in touch with everyone you know. It’s easy to get involved and follow up with those you are close to. Share your story to as many as possible, and don’t shy away from being open.  This requires us to be honest with ourselves, and with others. Let family and friends know, talk openly about it and if need be, seek professional help.

Plan For Events.

The winter months are rough, so prepare for yourself a way to make things brighter in the near future.  We can get through winter, because we know a spring is around the corner. The seasons give us something to look forward to, and so it goes with a relationship. One what to stay sane, is planning on event with your partner. Set a date to enjoy something out of the typical week for you both to look forward to. You could plan for multiple dates across the weeks, or one big event at the end of the seasons.  Whatever you decide to do, make it important and be sure it’s different from anything you’ve done.  To get some ideas, you can visit our post HERE for more ideas. Surviving winter loneliness while in a long distance relationship is not easy task, but just because we are distant, doesn’t mean we don’t date.  Break the chains of the everyday sludge, and you both plan for a special day in the near future.

Keep others updated.

Don’t go in this alone. It’s tough for everyone, so let people know how you are doing.  Unless you’re a superhuman, we’ve all been effected by this pandemic this winter has been a little more harsh than others. Be open about how you’re handling it, it will help sooth the tension. I for one can say this is one of the most difficult times in my life. Each day comes with another challenge and obstacle, all with the uncertainly of togetherness that and it’s really hard getting through each day. It’s worth it, for my partner’s life, and my life. I’m not going to give up, just because it’s a lonely winter. The summer will come, and this pandemic will end. You have to be honest about how this is effecting your health. Recognize why you’re feeling a this way, and be able to push through it. Most importantly, let your partner know what you’re dealing with. Couples that truly love one another, they bear one each other’s burdens. We have something special being long distance and in love. Don’t negate leaning into your partner, let them in and survive these winter months together.

Surviving Winter Loneliness while in a Long Distance Relationship

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