Long Distance Dates

People Watching the Super Bowl

4 ways to love your long distance Super Bowl date:

Firstly, for some people the Super Bowl might be the most important day of the year. However, for the rest of us, or the non footballs fans, it’s simply an excuse to socialize and party. 

The idea of a long distance Super Bowl date doesn’t seem possible. After all this day usually is best enjoyed when many are gathered.  The Super Bowl is a time for togetherness and is the only day when we can’t wait to watch commercials.

It’s fair to say, you have some fond memories of this game, commonly associated with loads of food and a disappointing halftime show. If your team is playing, you’re already hyping yourself for what’s bound to be a night to remember. However, for those of us in the a long distance relationship, this comes as an odd time.  

There’s confusion over where to go, what to do, and who to spend your night with. Whatever you decide, it’s a harsh reality that we aren’t going to be enjoying this event together, but apart. So how can we have a great super bowl and still feel like the person it with us? Here are 4 ways to love your long distance Super Bowl date.

A Range of Snacks on a table.

It's all about the food.

What’s a Super Bowl party without snacks? Not a very enjoying one! What’s a party without snacks, and a the big game without munchies is just lacking in the worst way. How does something like this translate to a long distance relationship? For starters, just because you’re separated, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy meals with your loved one. The key is to create and environment that feels as if you were side by side. Food bring us together, especially in a long distance Super Bowl date.

Whatever food you make, whether main course or appetizers, make sure it’s all the same. I don’t mean buying the same exact brand and package, but refereeing to kinds. For instance; nachos, dips, beer cheese, sliders, prepare them so you are you date are eating alike. This might sound odd, but this creates a zone of unity, building a place where you can be feel as close as possible. It’s the little things you cherish and hold onto, so let the junk food help. They say the family is built around the dinner table, but relationships are maintained around the snack table.


A couple play fighting over the Super Bowl Game

Bet against each other

Spice things up a little bit with some slight investment in the game. Let’s be honest, unless you’re a committed fan, you probably aren’t going to pay much attention to the game. Now’s a good chance to take advantage of a game and use it to liven up your relationship. Choose sides, ( if you aren’t already a fan ) and be sure you both are on opposite sides of the coin. It’s no fun if you both a rooting for the same team. Make it more entertaining, if you’re going to watch the game, then add some healthy rivalry.

You might say, “are you suggesting we put ourselves in a position to argue?” Yes! Let’s be real, being a couple can be tough, long distance couples are even more of a challenge, and fights and disagreements are bound to happen. If you’re relationship can handle a little playful rivalry, then go for it. Why not create some much needed sportsmanship in our possible mundane and sometimes boring lives.  Get involved, trash talk if you must, and dig into the moment.

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Two Beers for a date

Start a Drinking Game

This one might be a bit dangerous, and possibly irresponsible, it will be Sunday night after all. Nothing brings together couples than devising a drinking game. Snacks we’ve established are a foundation of a good party, but beer is the cement. Whatever your drink of choice, come together and create your own unique experience. Make a game that will make your long distance super bowl date one to brag about.  

The rules are in your hands, whether it be ever score, turnover, or commercial break, you create your own game within a game. The idea is engagement, interaction, and enjoying yourself with the person you love. It will only take few moments to come up with your own rules, so take a minute before the game. No one says you have to take shots, but 2 or 3 beers for the game should do that trick Remember, drink responsibly. If you are fresh out of ideas, here is a site with over 55 suggestions.   https://fansided.com/2021/02/02/super-bowl-55-drinking-game-chiefs-buccaneers/  

Game themed cookies

Have a Theme night

Sure the Super Bowl isn’t a holiday, but that doesn’t mean you can’t decorate. Dressing up or setting a theme might seem corny, but you’re adding an element and an event to just another Sunday. The point is to get involved, be active, and do something spontaneous. Make cookies, create some fandom, and get crafty before or during the game. Maybe you go pirate themed, or football themed, or just wear your teams jersey. Whatever it is, bring your A game, and let this Super Bowl date be the best yet. This day isn’t about the game, it’s honestly about millionaires fighting over a oddly shaped ball. The point is to take this culture event, and enjoy it with the most precious thing in your life. 

It’s a tough time for everyone, and this Super Bowl will be like no other for most of us.  A strange seasons for the players, and for those of us that could care less about the game. Events like this don’t come about everyday, or every week. Make everyone event and every day count, and do something out of the ordinary. Don’t let moments in history slip away, but create a long distance super bowl date out of it. We only remember the days we try to make special, so make this super bowl one that will be remember for years to come.

4 Ways to Love Your Long Distance Super Bowl Date
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