Long Distance Dates

Valentine's Day for Men in a Long-Distance Relationship

Alright guys, it’s that time of year again.  Among all life’s issues and dealing with Covid, there’s still a woman in your life who could use a Valentine’s Day Gift. Now before you read any further, I want you to ask yourself if your significant other has said this recently “Don’t do anything for Valentine’s Day.” I think it’s fair to say that making a special day for your special woman  is worth the extra effort.

Of course, you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on jewelry or giant bears that get in the way. You lady wants one thing above all; love. This Valentine’s Day, let her know she’s the only girl bouncing around your thoughts.

Now that the time is upon us, how can we get something for our lady without it being awkward or overly done? Hear me out, and see if these 5 ideas can help you get that perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your Long Distance relationship.

Pink Tulips wrapped in Paper and a bow.

Deliver Flowers  

Yes, flowers. Did I subvert your expectations? 

Are flowers cliché? Yes. Are they completely overpriced and constantly over used? Yes. Should you get them for your special lady? YES!  I don’t own stock in the flower business, but let’s be real, you can’t go wrong with fresh flowers. Nothing says old school natural romance than having a bouquet in the arms of your loved one. It’s a solid choice for a Valentine’s day gift, so don’t ignore it just because it’s popular. 

Being that we’re all long distance, have them delivered, whether to her job, to her home.  It is very easy to look up a local florist, on www.findaflorist.comEven if you’ve never ordered flowers online, most sites have made it super simple with a range of options available to suit your lady’s taste. Granted, if she has gone out of her way to express a distaste for earth’s colorful carpet, then just keep scrolling.

Cards and flowers.

Mail her a Valentine’s Day Card.

Sticking with simplicity for a moment, note that you have two options here, yet the latter will be more impactful. This might seem like a cheap Valentine’s day gift, but those who like to keep it low key and have limited options, this might be up your alley.

First option, head to the store and buy her a card. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT just sign it. You write something special on the inside and let her know you took more than a minute to think about her. Be poetic, charming and really dive in, no matter how corny it might seem. Whatever you right, should be far better than what Hallmark wrote. Just another note: steer clear of E-cards. They may work in other avenues, but not in a long distance relationship. She needs something to hold and hold close, even if it’s only a card.  

Writing something personal will be far more meaningful. This might mean making your own card. Yes men, that requires you getting those scissors and markers back out and being creative. Maybe you’re not the creative type, all the better. Maybe this style of romance doesn’t fit, like I said, all the better. It doesn’t matter how childish it might look, or how silly you may think it is, do it. This is something she won’t misplace or toss out, it’s important to her. It’s fair to say, whatever you give her, she’ll keep for years, if not the rest of her life. Something crafted with your own hands has a lasting effect, and could be that little token of hope she looks to when feeling lonely.  This could be that one Valentine’s day gift she will always remember, and the extra effort will make all the difference.

Empty Dinner plates, set for a meal

Have Dinner sent her way.

Being that we’re in a long distance relationship, you can’t make a special meal for your love, so do the next best thing. You’d have to be living under a rock to ignore the reality of Uber Eats and others like it. 

Use food delivery to your advantage, and let an awesome meal be this year’s Valentine’s Day gift.  Don’t skimp either, this is a big date, so make it extra special. Not only are there delivery services for food, but consider one for alcohol as well.  Nothing says “Valentine’s Day dinner” like getting wined and dined. Don’t know what she would like? Start dropping hints now, or just reveal in a big way this is happening, and only in this circumstance, make it happen

Fingers typing on a Laptop

Social Media Shoutout. 

What’s better than standing on a table in a crowded restaurant, and announcing to the world your love for your lady?  Absolutely nothing. Well us in the long distance can’t do such things, and probably don’t want to be carted off to the looney bin anytime soon. Maybe embarrassing your woman isn’t a high priority, but if she even has a small online presence, a social media platform could help make this day a bit brighter.

Whether it’s Facebook or Instagram, grab a cute picture and let her know how you feel. Don’t make this a last minute plan, and instead set some intention behind your declaration.  Take some time, about a week prior, and write a few heartfelt paragraphs expressing your feelings.  Let the world know what your heart does.

Let the special woman in your life completely know you think only about her, and that she’s the only girl for you.

A Piece of You.

Firstly, this pertains mainly to couples that have preciously met, and haven’t seen each other in several months. Secondly, I’m not suggesting you go all Van Gogh on her, just hear me out. When we think Valentine’s day gift, usually jewelry and heart shaped chocolates are at the top of the lists, but there is something far better.

 Grab one of your favorite shirts and wear it to bed, around the house, just don’t get it too sweaty. Then put it in a airtight bag, box it up and ship it out. This might seem odd and strange, but this is probably the best gift you can give her. Being in a long distance relationship, we only use 2 of our senses, sight and sound. Let her use her sense of touch and smell, it will make her feel closer than she ever has. This is usually something we look past, but we’re more prone to this than we think.

Start preparing now gentlemen!

Ladies; send this quick guide to your special someone to drop some hints in advance.

Let us know how you are celebrating this Valentine’s Day while in a long-distance relationship by leaving a comment below! 

Men’s Valentine’s Day Gift ideas for their Long Distance Relationship

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